Tiefling Names

Whispers from the Blood War: Tiefling Names of Legend and Lore

Do you want to know what name you can give your tiefling character for a new Dungeons & Dragons campaign? The tieflings are among the most interesting and special races in D&D, which have deep background that call for equally captivating names.

The right name for a tiefling is able to say a lot about the character reflecting on its obscure roots, infernal taints or individual qualities. This guide will talk about different names of tieflings and will offer plenty options to consider from.

We have something popular, something unique and something deeply meaningful, so you are not going to be disappointed.

Understanding Tiefling Heritage

Tieflings are humans who are the offspring of people that entered into a pact with devils, thus having an infernal legacy.

In many cases, this lineage contributes to highly distinguishing physical attributes such as horns, tails and unique skin colors.

Tiefling names often derive from this wellspring by blending infernal tongues and common language influences.

By selecting a name that reverberates with its heritage, you not only give your character more depth but also make your role-playing more realistic.

 A few Hints at Making Your Unique Tiefling Name

  • Creating a unique tiefling name goes beyond simply putting sound together in syllables; here is how you can make it perfectly.
  • Combining The Infernal and Common Languages: By doing so, one can come up with an exotic sounding tiefling name.
  • Consider Traits And Backgrounds: When making a name for your tiefling character consider their personality, physical appearance traits and background information. A cunning tiefling may have a sharp or edgy name while a charming one will probably possess something melodious.
  • Use Fantasy Name Generators: Use tools like fantasy name generators to get inspiration on how to create them.
  • s.

Here are some popular Tiefling names along with their meanings, helping you understand how these names reflect the heritage and traits of Tieflings:

  1. Akmenos – Meaning “hard-willed” or “unyielding.”
  2. Amnon – Meaning “faithful” or “loyal.”
  3. Barakas – Meaning “blessed.”
  4. Damakos – Meaning “stone” or “rock.”
  5. Ekemon – Meaning “powerful” or “mighty.”
  6. Iados – Meaning “mystery” or “hidden.”
  7. Kairon – Meaning “victorious.”
  8. Leucis – Meaning “white” or “pure.”
  9. Mordai – Meaning “dark” or “shadow.”
  10. Morthos – Meaning “death” or “fate.”
  11. Pelaios – Meaning “ancient.”
  12. Skamos – Meaning “trickster” or “deceiver.”
  13. Therai – Meaning “fire” or “flame.”
  14. Valin – Meaning “strong” or “valiant.”
  15. Zephras – Meaning “wind” or “breeze.”
ArannisEternalTimeless and wise
CalistaMost beautifulRadiant and charming
DesdemonaIll-starredMysterious and alluring
EvangelineBearer of good newsCharismatic and persuasive
FaustusFortunateLucky and ambitious
GideonHewerStrong and resilient
HesperiaEvening starEnigmatic and graceful
IgnatiusFieryPassionate and intense
JarethBled of magicMystical and powerful
KallistaMost beautifulElegant and captivating
LavernaTo washClean and pure
MelchiorKing cityRegal and authoritative
NemeiaOf the goddess NemeaDivine and fierce
OberonNoble bearMajestic and protective
PersephoneBringer of destructionComplex and tragic
QuinlanFit, strongAthletic and determined
RhiannonGreat queenRoyal and commanding
SabinaSabine womanHistoric and graceful
TaranisThunderPowerful and boisterous
UlricWolf powerFierce and loyal
ValeriaStrong, healthyRobust and confident
XantheYellow, goldenBright and optimistic
YseultIce rulerCool and controlled
ZephyrWest windFree-spirited and agile
AdrielFlock of GodDevout and wise
BalthazarGod protect the kingNoble and powerful
CyreneSovereign queenCommanding and influential
DelilahDelicateGraceful and enchanting
ElaraBrightRadiant and hopeful
FeroxFierceBold and courageous

Cool Tiefling Names

AzazelScapegoatMysterious and dark
BlazBlazeFiery and intense
CinderAshSmoky and enigmatic
DuskTwilightShadowy and elusive
EmberGlowing coalWarm and vibrant
FangToothSharp and dangerous
GhoulGhostEerie and haunting
HadesUnseenUnderworld ruler
InfernoHellIntense and passionate
JinxSpellMischievous and tricky
KaidaLittle dragonFierce and small
LokiTrickster godCunning and playful
MistralCold windCool and swift
NoctisNightDark and mysterious
OnyxBlack gemstoneStrong and enduring
PyroFireBurning and intense
QuillFeatherLight and swift
RavenBlackbirdMysterious and intelligent
SableBlackSleek and dark
TempestStormWild and unpredictable
UmberShadowEarthy and dark
VexTo annoyIrritating and tricky
WraithGhostEthereal and haunting
XanderDefenderStrong and protective
YaraSmall butterflyDelicate and free
ZaneGod is graciousDivine and kind
AceOne, unitySkilled and unique
BlazeFlameFiery and intense
CreedGuiding principleDetermined and focused
DashFast movementSwift and energetic

Male Tiefling Names

AbaddonDestructionPowerful and fearsome
BelialWorthlessCunning and deceitful
CassiusHollowEnigmatic and mysterious
DariusUpholderStrong and just
ErebosDarknessMysterious and shadowy
FenrirFen-dwellerFierce and wild
GideonMighty warriorStrong and brave
HoraceTimekeeperWise and ancient
IcarusFollowerAmbitious and daring
JarethMagic bloodPowerful and mystical
KaelMighty warriorStrong and determined
LazarusGod is my helpResilient and enduring
MagnusGreatMajestic and commanding
NeroStrong, vigorousPowerful and fierce
OrionHunterSkilled and sharp
PerseusDestroyerHeroic and strong
QuintusFifthUnique and distinguished
RemusOarSwift and resourceful
SilasForestWise and natural
ThaddeusCourageous heartBrave and kind
UrielGod is my lightEnlightened and wise
VanceMarshlandAdaptable and strategic
WulfricWolf powerFierce and loyal
XerxesRuler over heroesCommanding and powerful
YannisGod is graciousKind and benevolent
ZephyrWest windAgile and free-spirited
AdrienDark oneMysterious and intense
BaelLordDominant and powerful
CainAcquiredResourceful and ambitious
DanteEnduringResilient and strong

Female Tiefling Names

AlectoUnceasingPersistent and fierce
BelladonnaBeautiful womanAlluring and deadly
CirceBirdEnchanting and mystical
DelilahDelicateGraceful and enchanting
ElaraShiningBright and hopeful
FreyaLadyNoble and commanding
GinevraWhite ShadowPure and mysterious
HestiaHearthWarm and nurturing
IsoldeIce rulerCool and controlled
JunoQueen of heavenRegal and majestic
KaliBlackPowerful and fierce
LilithNight monsterMysterious and dark
MorganaSea-bornEnigmatic and alluring
NyxNightMysterious and dark
OpheliaHelpCompassionate and kind
PandoraAll-giftedCurious and adventurous
QuinnWiseIntelligent and strategic
RheaFlowingGraceful and natural
SeleneMoonSerene and luminous
ThaliaBloomingJoyful and lively
UrsulaLittle bearStrong and protective
VesperaEvening starCalm and beautiful
WrenSmall birdAgile and free
XantheGoldenBright and optimistic
YaraSmall butterflyDelicate and free
ZinniaFlowerColorful and vibrant
AstridDivine strengthStrong and divine
BerylSea-green jewelPrecious and unique
CalistaMost beautifulRadiant and charming
DavinaBelovedLoved and cherished

D&D Tiefling Names

AldricOld rulerWise and powerful
BalthazarGod protect the kingNoble and protective
CalibanBlackDark and mysterious
DorianOf the seaFluid and adaptable
ElviraTrue, trustworthyHonest and reliable
FaustusFortunateLucky and ambitious
GideonHewerStrong and resilient
HesperiaEvening starEnigmatic and graceful
IgnatiusFieryPassionate and intense
JarethMagic bloodMystical and powerful
KallistaMost beautifulElegant and captivating
LazarusGod is my helpResilient and enduring
MelchiorKing cityRegal and authoritative
NemeiaOf the goddess NemeaDivine and fierce
OberonNoble bearMajestic and protective
PersephoneBringer of destructionComplex and tragic
QuinlanFit, strongAthletic and determined
RhiannonGreat queenRoyal and commanding
SabinaSabine womanHistoric and graceful
TaranisThunderPowerful and boisterous
UlricWolf powerFierce and loyal
ValeriaStrong, healthyRobust and confident
XantheYellow, goldenBright and optimistic
YseultIce rulerCool and controlled
ZephyrWest windFree-spirited and agile
AdrielFlock of GodDevout and wise
BalthazarGod protect the kingNoble and powerful
CyreneSovereign queenCommanding and influential
DelilahDelicateGraceful and enchanting
ElaraBrightRadiant and hopeful

Tiefling Virtue Names

CourageBraveryBold and fearless
MercyCompassionKind and forgiving
TemperanceModerationBalanced and wise
ValorStrengthStrong and heroic
HonorRespectNoble and upright
PatienceEnduranceCalm and persevering
JusticeFairnessRighteous and impartial
CharityGenerosityGiving and selfless
FaithBeliefDevout and trusting
HopeOptimismBright and positive
PrudenceCautionWise and careful
ZealEnthusiasmPassionate and energetic
FortitudeStrengthResilient and enduring
SerenityPeaceCalm and tranquil
WisdomKnowledgeWise and insightful
IntegrityHonestyUpright and honest
LoyaltyFaithfulnessDevoted and reliable
HumilityModestyHumble and unassuming
DiligencePerseveranceHardworking and persistent
ChastityPurityPure and virtuous
TruthRealityHonest and sincere
GraceEleganceElegant and refined
PeaceTranquilityCalm and serene
UnityTogethernessHarmonious and unified
RespectEsteemNoble and polite
DevotionLoyaltyDedicated and devout
CompassionEmpathyKind and understanding
CourageBraveryBold and fearless
KindnessBenevolenceGentle and caring
PerseveranceSteadfastnessPersistent and resilient

Tiefling Last Names

BlackthornDark treeMysterious and tough
DarkfireShadow flameEnigmatic and intense
EmberflameGlowing fireWarm and passionate
FelltreeSinister treeDark and mysterious
GrimshadeGloomy shadowSomber and eerie
HellbentBane of hellFierce and powerful
IronfistStrong handTough and resilient
NightshadePoisonous plantDangerous and alluring
OnyxheartBlackheartStrong and enduring
RavencrestBlack bird peakMysterious and noble
ShadowbaneDarkness baneLight in the dark
StormbringerBringer of stormsWild and unpredictable
ThornshadeSpiny shadowTough and mysterious
ViperfangSnake toothDeadly and sharp
WraithbloodGhostly bloodEthereal and haunting
AshenveilGrey valleyMysterious and somber
BlazefuryFiery rageIntense and passionate
ColdstoneChilly rockCool and resilient
DoombladeFate swordPowerful and fearsome
EmberveilGlowing valleyWarm and mysterious
FrostbaneIce baneCold and fierce
IroncladStrong armorTough and impenetrable
NightbringerBringer of nightMysterious and dark
ShadowflameDark flameEnigmatic and intense
StonefistRock handStrong and resilient
ThunderstrikeLightning hitPowerful and boisterous
VoidwalkerEmpty pathMysterious and dark
WarbringerBringer of warFierce and powerful
WindriderAir travelerAgile and free-spirited
WinterbaneCold baneCool and resilient


Character design involves the selection of a significant name for your Tiefling. This way, it is easy to define their origin, distinguishing features, and development background in order to add more meaning and specificity to your experience as a Dungeon & Dragon player. So, freely express yourself with these names for the Devils / Demons. On that note, any such character will distinctly appear in the whole campaign leaving much of an impression on others. Enjoy!

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